Russian Business Society
Russian Business Society (RBS) is a nonprofit entity established to develop entrepreneurship in present-day Russia, a community of entrepreneurs seeking to shape the future of the country.
16+ speakers
RBS opening ceremony:
2, Alexander Nevsky Square, Moscow Hotel Guest gathering – 10:30 am
June 4, 2023 at 12:00
Our mission
Our mission is to develop the citizen’s entrepreneurship and maintain strong connection of businesses with the needs of the population of Russia.
Член Международной Имплантологической Ассоциации, ICOI IPS, сооснователь СРО «Медицинский Союз Единство»
Ilya Freedman
Co-founder of the community, СЕО of RC Group, an IT company, member of the Expert Council of the State Duma Committee on Small and Medium Enterprises (SME)
Maria Mikhailova
Chief Research Officer of the Department of Social Sciences and Public Communications, Financial University under the RF Government
Sergey Belokonev
Entrepreneur, producer, TV presenter

Yana Rudkovskaya
Entrepreneur, Rocket Work CEO»
Anastasia Uskova
Deputy Trade Representative of the RF in India
Evgeny Griva
Chief Executive Officer of Vedomosti St. Petersburg business daily, Senior Lecturer of the Economics and Plant Management Department
Аlexander Schelkanov
Vice President for Development of Skolkovo Fund in the Far East, Head of Skolkovo Fund Far-Eastern Representative Office
Yuri Saprykin
Entrepreneur, producer, bloggers association representative
Svetlana Fateeva
Scientist, Doctor of Political Science, Senior Lecturer, Dean of the Faculty of International Economic Relations, Financial University under the RF Government
Pavel Seleznev
Founder of the community, RC Group co-founder, member of the Committee on Partnership Programs Market Development under Russian-wide Public Organization “Investment Russia”
Egor Patov
State Duma member
Tatiana Butskaya
State Duma member

Sergey Morozov
Co-founder of RC Group, an IT company, member of the Expert Council of FRAPPe Franchising and Partnership Programs Association, member of the Russian Business Society Executive Committee, founder and mind behind MOLODOFA brand
Elena Mischenko
Владимир Маринович
Основатель бизнес-школы «Вверх», эксперт по цифровой трансформации бизнеса, бизнес-философ
We have created an IT Platform consisting of website, app and social media for networking, business education, search of partners and employers.
a coordinator
of RBS
Get the new opportunities for business development together with the leading entrepreneurs of Russia.
Regional division
Integration of communities
Sectoral associations
We invite entrepreneurs to become RBS coordinators in their region to get the new opportunities for business growth and development.
RBS integrates various communities related to Russian entrepreneurship and offers support, better monetization, and new business opportunities.
Active entrepreneurs developing the areas that need support and are prospective for the Society may take on the leadership of RBS Sectoral Association and have a strong support from us.
Our goals
Building a meaningful dialog with authorities
Promoting innovative entrepreneurship areas
Supporting and developing small enterprises and micro-businesses
Raising patriotic awareness of the entrepreneurs
Increasing the number of successful and competent entrepreneurs
Building sustainable entrepreneurship
RBS is for:
Raising profile in the entrepreneurship environment

Raising awareness among the public agencies involvement in lawmaking, and assistance in application of the governmental support means

New business partnerships of various levels

New cases and business opportunities
Advertisement for target audience

Business training and competency improvement

Easy start tools

Financial support of start-ups


Broadening horizons and personal growth
Experienced operating entrepreneurs
Owners of small businesses and sole traders
Persons seeking to establish own business
Anyone interested in the entrepreneurship in Russia
RBS resident is an option for those who take interest in the entrepreneurship, seek self-development and competency improvement, look for own business establishment.

Get the most out of affordable subscription, which gives you the opportunity to meet successful persons and learn more from them. .
RBS Executive Committee is the top level among the participants with a limited number of members. RBS Executive Committee members have a huge experience and expertise, they participate in definition of RBS agenda.

Each Executive Committee member participates in RBS development on a monthly basis.

RBS Master Nominee is an interim status that makes you eligible to participate in the membership clubs of the RBS Master Nominees and confirms your intent to join the RBS Master membership club.

The nominee should be an operating body corporate or sole trader.
RBS Master is an honorary title within the society. This title is awarded to the owners of successful operating businesses.

The Masters are the speakers at the events, authorized to train and organize various activities. They can be appointed by the leaders of RBS sectoral areas and regional representative offices.
The Masters can participate in the membership clubs for privileged visitors.
Phone number: 8 (800) 333-07-41
Address: 4, Shaumyana pr., St. Petersburg